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Ajax Events Calendar "init is not defined"??

Posted 11 Feb 2011 02:13:19
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11 Feb 2011 02:13:19 phillip ilic posted:
i have just purchased today the Ajax Events Calendar extension for CS5. Each time i create a page for the calendar and set it up in Dreamweaver if i close the page and re-open it i get the following error: while executing on load in dmxajaxcalendarupdater.htm, the following java script error(s) occured: in file "dmxAjaxCalendarUpdater" : init is not defined.

Also, I am using a MS SQL Database and if there is a record in the calendar table the browser throws an error when i try to switch between Day and Month but this does not happen if there are no records in the database.

I have tried uninstalling the extension and reinstalling and deleteing the DW cache.

Please help!

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