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Insert Multiple Rows MSSQL

Posted 28 May 2010 14:54:46
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28 May 2010 14:54:46 Carl Evans posted:
I need to insert multiple rows into an MSSQL database using Classic ASP and VBScript. Using CS4 behaviours I can only insert one row at a time. I am producing a cricket website where I need to add a scorecard, and adding one player at a time is time consuming, so I need to add up to 11 rows (players) from one form submit.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Carl


Replied 03 Jun 2010 12:55:10
03 Jun 2010 12:55:10 Seb Adlington replied:
hi Carl,

You will have to get your hands dirty and edit the sql code by hand - you are also going to have to loop through the fields on your form to see how many have been filled in - if this sounds outside your comfort zone I would recommend you get googling - here is a good place to start
CS4 behaviours can't do this on its own.



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