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Suppport for DMXZone Commercial Extensions

Posted 12 Feb 2009 13:14:38
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12 Feb 2009 13:14:38 Miroslav Zografski posted:
Getting Support
Please note that this forum is NOT for support of extensions by DMXzone. The general forums are not for support and moderated only by volunteers.

Each extension has its own support forum for general discussion, posting bugs and proposing suggestions.

Please make sure you use the template for posting your issue. Here is how it looks (in this example, it is found in Smart Image Processor PHP Support Forums).

Finding support is easy in my DMXzone
You can find all your purchased products, serial numbers and support in My DMXzone (you need to be logged in).

We have made a very extensive movie that shows how to work with "My DMXzone" .

Locating the extension product page - Use the site Quick Search
In order to locate your extension, go to Extensions section and use the search function found in the upper right corner.

Finding The Specific Extension Support forum
You can find your specific forum on the product page. There is a "Support" button on the right, under the price.

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