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PHP Upload Filename to Dbase
24 Jan 2009 01:43:30 Heather V posted:
Before I post my extensive code, I'd like to know if there's anyone here who is familiar with uploading filenames into a database after a file has been uploaded?To be more specific, I have a form that has an upload prompt plus many other fields to fill out on the form that are text-based. I'd like for the upload to work and copy to a specific folder and also have the whole form (including the filename of the file) post to a record in a database table. Is there anyone available to help?
Replied 27 Jan 2009 13:03:48
27 Jan 2009 13:03:48 Alan C replied:
Hi Heather,
yes, I've done this, in my case it was uploading images, then resizing them, modifying the filename by adding a pre-fix to reflect the id of the person who uploaded them, then storing the re-sized images in different folders.
I store the filename once in a table then can pick up the various images by appending it to the path.
What do you want to do and I'll dig out my code so see just how I did it, I don't think it was too difficult.
yes, I've done this, in my case it was uploading images, then resizing them, modifying the filename by adding a pre-fix to reflect the id of the person who uploaded them, then storing the re-sized images in different folders.
I store the filename once in a table then can pick up the various images by appending it to the path.
What do you want to do and I'll dig out my code so see just how I did it, I don't think it was too difficult.
Replied 31 Jan 2009 11:28:29
31 Jan 2009 11:28:29 Heather V replied:
Well, I have this code and I can't seem to get it to post the file to the server nor post the filename to the database:
$editFormAction = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $editFormAction .= "?" . htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); } // define a constant for the maximum upload size define ('MAX_FILE_SIZE', 211200); if ((isset($_POST["MM_insert"])) && ($_POST["MM_insert"] == "form1")) { // define constant for upload folder define('UPLOAD_DIR', '../../info/docs/employment/'); // replace any spaces in original filename with underscores // at the same time, assign to a simpler variable $file = str_replace(' ', '_', $_FILES['empl_dnld_fn']['name']); // convert the maximum size to KB $max = number_format(MAX_FILE_SIZE/1024, 1).'KB'; // create an array of permitted MIME types $permitted = array('application/pdf'); // begin by assuming the file is unacceptable $sizeOK = false; $typeOK = false; // check that file is within the permitted size if ($_FILES['empl_dnld_fn']['size'] > 0 && $_FILES['empl_dnld_fn']['size'] <= MAX_FILE_SIZE) { $sizeOK = true; } // check that file is of an permitted MIME type foreach ($permitted as $type) { if ($type == $_FILES['empl_dnld_fn']['type']) { $typeOK = true; break; } } if ($sizeOK && $typeOK) { switch($_FILES['empl_dnld_fn']['error']) { case 0: // check if a file of the same name has been uploaded if (!file_exists(UPLOAD_DIR.$file)) { // move the file to the upload folder and rename it $success = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['empl_dnld_fn']['tmp_name'], UPLOAD_DIR.$file); } else { // get the date and time ini_set('date.timezone', 'Europe/London'); $now = date('Y-m-d-His'); $success = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['empl_dnld_fn']['tmp_name'], UPLOAD_DIR.$now.$file); } $insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO empl_dnlds (empl_dnld_title, empl_dnld_fn) VALUES (%s, %s)", GetSQLValueString($_POST['empl_dnld_title'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($_FILES['empl_dnld_fn'], "text")); mysql_select_db($database_wvgsadmin, $wvgsadmin); $Result1 = mysql_query($insertSQL, $wvgsadmin) or die(mysql_error()); if ($success) { $insertGoTo = "../info/employment/empl_app_list.php"; if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $insertGoTo .= (strpos($insertGoTo, '?')) ? "&" : "?"; $insertGoTo .= $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } header(sprintf("Location: %s", $insertGoTo)); } else { $result = "Error uploading $file. Please try again."; } break; case 3: $result = "Error uploading $file. Please try again."; default: $result = "System error uploading $file. Contact webmaster."; } } elseif ($_FILES['empl_dnld_fn']['error'] == 4) { $result = 'No file selected'; } else { $result = "$file cannot be uploaded. Maximum size: $max. Acceptable file type: .pdf"; } }
<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="uploadImage" id="uploadImage"> <p> <label for="empl_dnld_fn">Upload document:</label> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="<?php echo MAX_FILE_SIZE; ?>" /> <input type="file" name="empl_dnld_fn" id="empl_dnld_fn" /></p> <span class="small"> <ul> <li>to minimize confusion, filename should be unique to the Staff you are uploading for</li> <li>document file size is limited to 200K</li> <li>if you upload a file with the same filename, the new file will be given a date added to the filename</li> </ul> </span> <p><input type="submit" name="upload" id="upload" value="Upload Image" /></p> </form>
Thank you for taking a look at this for me!
Replied 03 Feb 2009 21:03:05
03 Feb 2009 21:03:05 Alan C replied:
Hi Heather,
your form looks remarkably like mine, we probably worked from similar sources
it's ages since I wrote this so I am puzzling over some of the code, I do something very similar after the submit button is pressed, I am a bit more paranoid that you when dealing with the user input, so I hit the filename rather hard to prevent anything odd coming through, and force it to all lower case. I only accept jpg images and force the extension to .jpg to make life easier for myself later. I also restrict the length of the image filename and tag it with the owner's user_id and property_id, because there can be many images per user, so that if a user asks for their account to be deleted it's easy to find all their images.
I have skimmed through your code, it looks like it does all the right kind of things, I'm working on a project at the moment so can't take too much effort out of that . . . here is some of the code from my original, you should see the similarity, I store variations of the image after resizing and producing a thumbnail.
a few things to note, this is just the bit that looks at the filename and mime type, even though the file has a .jpg extension it might not be an image file, that's why I test teh mime type, not sure if that really does what I think it does.
Once I have the image I need to check its shape, because I'm going to display it on my pages, so it has to be fitted into a landscape rectangle of a certain aspect ratio, I use ImageMagick to resize and pad out the image, so i have left that part out. It works very much like yours with an error code and then a switch statement.
This lot is hand-coded, you'll notice the -> notation that uses some methods in an object or two which is some re-usable code. My database store is part of another object that handles minor updates because it saves keep writing sql. This is what it looks like
the method in the object is just a wrapper that writes a query then executes it to update a single record, the parameters are . . .
table name
column name to update
value to use for update (ie new value)
value type
column to be used in WHERE clause
value to use in where clause
I would be very wary of using values out of the $_GET array without checking them, there are some weird people out there who will try to break your scripts, and try sql injection, I'm paranoid I admit it!
let me know how you get on
your form looks remarkably like mine, we probably worked from similar sources
it's ages since I wrote this so I am puzzling over some of the code, I do something very similar after the submit button is pressed, I am a bit more paranoid that you when dealing with the user input, so I hit the filename rather hard to prevent anything odd coming through, and force it to all lower case. I only accept jpg images and force the extension to .jpg to make life easier for myself later. I also restrict the length of the image filename and tag it with the owner's user_id and property_id, because there can be many images per user, so that if a user asks for their account to be deleted it's easy to find all their images.
I have skimmed through your code, it looks like it does all the right kind of things, I'm working on a project at the moment so can't take too much effort out of that . . . here is some of the code from my original, you should see the similarity, I store variations of the image after resizing and producing a thumbnail.
# was submit button pressed, if it was then process the uploaded image and show back button if(isset($_POST["Submit"]) && $_POST["Submit"] == 'Send photograph' ) { # call to self with uploaded image $uploaddir = '../property_images/'; // these paths need to be relative because of server restriction $main_images=$uploaddir.'main/'; $thumb_images=$uploaddir.'thumbs/'; $original_filename=basename($_FILES['most_recent']['name']); # some id info, so pre-pend the filename with the user's name and property id for my benefit later # check length of filename here and crop it if it is too long # do it here so that odd chars and spaces etc will be filtered out later if (strlen($original_filename)>MAX_IMAGE_NAME_LENGTH) $original_filename=substr($original_filename,(strlen($original_filename)-MAX_IMAGE_NAME_LENGTH), MAX_IMAGE_NAME_LENGTH); $original_filename=$actual_p_id.'_'.$original_filename; # now get rid of suspect chars $new_filename=preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9._-]/','',strtolower($original_filename)); //strips whitespace and odd chars $new_filename=preg_replace('/jpeg/','jpg',$new_filename); // change jpeg to jpg $uploadfile = $uploaddir . $new_filename; // full path, keep this name so file can be deleted later if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['most_recent']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) { echo $CSS->Tag('h3',"Success! your photograph has been successfully uploaded to".'<br />'); $upload_error='none'; // error marker # # have a look at the uploaded file and determine whether it is acceptable or not # $image_info=getimagesize($uploadfile); // transfer details to array #$details=$CSS->ShowArray($image_info); // monitoring use if(!strpos($image_info['mime'],'jpeg')) { $upload_error='not-jpeg'; } // end jpeg test # file size details are in $image_info $width=$image_info[0]; $height=$image_info[1]; $aspect_ratio=$width/$height;
a few things to note, this is just the bit that looks at the filename and mime type, even though the file has a .jpg extension it might not be an image file, that's why I test teh mime type, not sure if that really does what I think it does.
Once I have the image I need to check its shape, because I'm going to display it on my pages, so it has to be fitted into a landscape rectangle of a certain aspect ratio, I use ImageMagick to resize and pad out the image, so i have left that part out. It works very much like yours with an error code and then a switch statement.
This lot is hand-coded, you'll notice the -> notation that uses some methods in an object or two which is some re-usable code. My database store is part of another object that handles minor updates because it saves keep writing sql. This is what it looks like
# next line updates db table with just the filename, add the path when needed $store_filename=$database->update_to('properties', 'p_image_path', $new_filename, 'text', 'p_id', $actual_p_id); # finally get rid of the uploaded file unlink($uploadfile);
the method in the object is just a wrapper that writes a query then executes it to update a single record, the parameters are . . .
table name
column name to update
value to use for update (ie new value)
value type
column to be used in WHERE clause
value to use in where clause
I would be very wary of using values out of the $_GET array without checking them, there are some weird people out there who will try to break your scripts, and try sql injection, I'm paranoid I admit it!
let me know how you get on