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Changing Flash galleries with link-clicks

Posted 20 Nov 2008 17:38:53
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20 Nov 2008 17:38:53 Clarry Uk posted:

I am making this website of mine, which is a challenge for me as I am in no way a web designer or programmer and am just learning it as I go along, but am quite pleased with what I have managed to accomplish so far!

I am stuck at one crucial but hopefully final stage though...

Basically, I have a sidebar on the left which is a container for a Collapsible Panel of links for photographic galleries which I've made using a Flash template called Simpleviewer (I have no clue with Flash at all, so that was my only option!!).

Now, the Flash gallery opens up in the main area of the window, to the right of that sidebar and is within a "flashContent" container, which links to the "Viewer.swf" file, which is the gallery.

What I need to do is tell this flashContainer to link to a different flash gallery depending on which gallery link is clicked on in the sidebar, and I cannot work out how to do this.

I think it's like something we used to do in Frames years ago, which are apparently a Bad Thing nowdays, so I'm sure there must be a way of saying to it "if Egypt is clicked on, then open the Egypt gallery in the flashContainer" etc....

If anyone can give me some guidance on how to do this, I'd be extremely grateful, and if you like, I can send you the code or a link to my test-URL of the page in a private message.

Many thanks in advance!


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