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Conditional Fields in Dreamweaver Form

Posted 30 Oct 2008 18:56:19
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30 Oct 2008 18:56:19 Marc Chaton posted:
I am looking for a way (Spry?) to make certain questions (text fields, checkboxes & radio buttons) appear or not appear based on how another Yes/No question is answered.

For example, if I have a survey and a question is "Did you travel for the conference?" if they answer Yes, then another question appears that asks "How much did you spend on fuel?". However, if they answered no, then that question does not appear.

I know you can do validation with Spry that will show text in red color, say, if a text field is not filled in or is in the wrong format, etc. I thoguht maybe some form of this feature in CS3 might be used for conditional fields, as I call what I am looking for.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance...

Marc Chaton

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