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Is it a Bug? Integration between DW and FW is brok

Posted 18 Oct 2008 11:03:12
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18 Oct 2008 11:03:12 damila yuric posted:
I can not upload images related my topic here but you can see it in the same topic at

I use CS3 Suite. It is a big trouble for me in working on real pages. Integration is broken in somewhere else and after that point it becomes impossible to work on Fireworks through Dreamweaver.

I've made test to show this trouble and I narrowed the problem to the pictures as shown in the figures below,

1) In figure one I am creating a completely new Fireworks file as arrow.png with two frames and one slice in it. After I am saving it as .png I am exporting it as .html with images in /images subfolder.

2) After saving and closing the file in Fireworks, in figure two, I am opening the html in Dreamweaver and changing the page properties by writing zeros to page margins and by changing the default font.

-----I guess in this point something happens which breaks the integration between FW and DW--------because;

3) In figure three I am opening the .png through Dreamweaver (by "Edit" and changes the place and size of the slice a little bit

4) When I press Done in Fireworks I see this picture in figure four in Dreamweaver which shows integration between FW and DW about table structure is broken. (In this point if I add any behaviur to the slice DW doesn't recognize it, or any other change in FW can not be recognized by DW)

5) In order to show this broken integration in table sturucture, I am putting a new slice to png when Editing from DW in FW.

6) When I click on Done in DW I see this picture on the figure six. Beacuse FW doesn't have any effect on html's table structure code.

Do anyone have information about this situation? Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong?

I can not upload images related my topic here but you can see it in the same topic at

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