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PHP member registration form

Posted 15 Oct 2008 21:07:59
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15 Oct 2008 21:07:59 Robert Borch posted:
Hi, I am in the process of redesigning my union's website to include a member area. Here's my problem...
I already have a database for our union members. What I want to do is to be able to have register using data that I already have for them in a table: Last Name, First Name, Date of Birth, Last 4 digits of SSN. There will also be fields for user name and password (which will originally be blank in the table). When the user hits the submit button, the form data needs to compare those first 4 submitted fields to the corresponding ones in the existing table (much the same way a credit card company might do with an existing account). If the data submitted matches what's in the table, the user name and password submitted in the form are written to the table and the user should be redirected to a login page.
How should i go about building such a registration page??
Help!!! ???



Replied 16 Oct 2008 11:33:46
16 Oct 2008 11:33:46 Alan C replied:
Hi Robert,
just to recap and be sure I'm talking about the same thing . . .

your already have a table with 4 fields of id information, you are building a new system and AFTER people have proved their id by matching all 4 fields you want them to register for the new system by entering a new username and password combination.

Assuming that's it, my solution would be to set up a session, and after the user had verified their 4 bits of data, assign them a unique id, something like the md5 of the current time plus some combination of their user data, put that into the session, along with their unique id for the current system if you are going to refer back to that. Then divert to the special login page where you can test the session data to be sure that this person is now 'logged in' - by that I mean they are still the person that was there. Now they can enter their user id and password for the new system, you can check it and enter it into the table.

You can also put a test in there to make sure they have not already registered on the new system.

It's a while since I did something like that - you might be able to do it with the session id too.

You may get some alternatives - but that's my 10c worth <img src=../images/dmxzone/forum/icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>

Replied 16 Oct 2008 16:12:36
16 Oct 2008 16:12:36 Robert Borch replied:

Thank you for your reply... My session work is a little rusty (that is, I have no real experience working with it) But i can try to give it a go <img src=../images/dmxzone/forum/icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>

Thanks again

Replied 18 Oct 2008 10:41:43
18 Oct 2008 10:41:43 Alan C replied:
Hi Robert,
There's a good basic example on that is a membership system - worth a look, it's a link on the left that says something like admin system

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