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HELP! Baseline Justify a table or Div in frameset

Posted 15 Oct 2008 02:23:00
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15 Oct 2008 02:23:00 Jay G posted:
Ok I'm not sure I can explain this right. I have a frameset with 2 frames. The bottom frame is for my buttons. when the webpage is expanded at a high screen resolutions it always remains at the very bottom of the page. Obviously because I am using a frameset. Now here's my problem:
The other frame which is the top part or "main" frame where all content will go. I want to be able to basically anchor a table or Div layer to the bottom of the "main" frame. So at a high screen res when the page is expanded the "main" frame moves down along with the bottom frame so they always stay together, therefore there would be a bunch of blank space at the top of the webpage instead of a bunch of blank space between the content and the button bar. I have searched the net for this answer and everything I have found does not work. Valign = "bottom"&gt; etc. does not work. I am using CS3. Please if anyone can give me some help with this it would be greatly appreciated! <font size=4></font id=size4>

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