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How to autosize?

Posted 09 Oct 2008 23:03:26
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09 Oct 2008 23:03:26 Leila Langston posted:
I've built a site in Dreamweaver 8 using html and css styling.
my layout is made up of mostly <div>s, and when the site is viewed on my monitor, which has a resolution of 1440x900, it fits perfectly. The other computers in the house have resolutions of 1024 x 798 or lower, and when viewed on those monitors, the site requires a horizontal scroll bar to view completely, which makes it very annoying.

How can I set the <div>s so that they'll expand or shrink to fit any monitor's resolution?



Replied 11 Oct 2008 09:34:25
11 Oct 2008 09:34:25 Alan C replied:
Hi Leila,
you need 'fluid layouts' these adjust automatically to the available width - generally by reflowing the text around the graphics, typically you pick up the right hand side of the window and move it and the text reflows, another way to work around this is an outer div that has fixed width, say 800 pixels, with auto margins right and left, that centers it on the screen, then you can work within that knowing it's a fixed size.

Here's an example -
Replied 13 Oct 2008 03:44:08
13 Oct 2008 03:44:08 Leila Langston replied:
thanks for your help, but the alignment of the images wasn't a problem
all of my layers are aligned to the left side of the screen, so sliding them over to see more of them isn't necessary. but they're too big to fit on 1024/768 or 800/600, so i need everything to shrink by just reducing the size of the browser. is that even possible? or should i just put a note telling people to adjust their resolutions?

but thanks for the idea, alan
hopefully I'll find a solution eventually

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