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"master page" template and relative links

Posted 02 Oct 2008 01:31:13
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02 Oct 2008 01:31:13 Jason Mr. posted:
I've been fooling about with this all day, but with little success. I'm developing in DCS3. Also note that I do not have the ability to change Dreamweaver's default preferences as I'm creating a template framework for other staff members to use. (I.E. I'm thinking of the ability to turn off the template paths rewrite option).

I want to create a "master page" template to create other page layout templates with. I want the master page to contain (and this is KEY) links to css files that reside OUTSIDE of my dreamweaver project folder (such assets reside in a master library folder at a higher level).

For the sake of example, I'll use the following to describe my documents:

Master Page = master.dwt
layout template (based on Master Page) = layout.dwt
content page (based on layout template) = page.html

Does anyone know if it's possible to force Dreamweaver, using template expressions, to maintain the same relative path throughout all these documents?

What I'm running into is this. When defining a relative path in master.dwt (such as: href="@@('../../library/css/file.css')@@", Dreamweaver will interpret that template expression and write the path correctly in layout.dwt (example: href="../../library/css/file.css". However, when creating page.html from layout.dwt, the path is rewritten as a file path. I loose the relative link.

What I'm looking for is some what to tell Dreamweaver, "no touchy on this block of code.... ever!!!".


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