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Advanced Layer Popup not passing URL param

Posted 01 Oct 2008 22:26:11
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01 Oct 2008 22:26:11 C Brown posted:
I am having a problem displaying the correct image in the popup based on a master detail page set.
I have a folder of images, a SQL database with records related to clients whose photos specific to that client are then listed in a master detail page set. Without the ADLP a new window pops up with the correct selected image. Add in the ADLP and the image defaults to the first record image in the database being the 1st entry.

The problem is the popup page is not getting the URL id information specified.

My code is as follows:-

Master Page:-
Dim image_ID
Image_ID="claims_pics/"& rs_photos.Fields.Item("Photo_FileName".Value
<a href="popup_photos.asp?<%=Server.HTMLEncode(MM_keepBoth) & MM_joinChar(MM_keepBoth) & "Photo_IDNO=" & rs_photos.Fields.Item("Photo_IDNO".Value%>"><img src="<%=Image_ID%>" alt="" name="Photo" width="100" border="0" onclick="dmxAdvLayerPopup('Enlarged Image','popup_image.asp','popup1','','MediaPlayerBlue','center','center',700,600,12,true,false,false,0,'','Linear',1,true,'','Linear',1,true,'',1,5,true,false,'#FFFFFF');return document.MM_returnValue" /></a>

Popup page :-
Dim rs_photos__MMColParam
<b><u>rs_photos__MMColParam = "1"</u></b>
If (Request.QueryString("Photo_IDNO" &lt;&gt; "" Then
rs_photos__MMColParam = Request.QueryString("Photo_IDNO"
End If
Further down the code to display the picture:-
Dim image_ID
Image_ID="claims_pics/"& rs_photos.Fields.Item("Photo_FileName".Value
&lt;img src="&lt;%=Image_ID%&gt;" alt="" name="Photo" width="600" border="0" /&gt;

Any help would be much appreciated



Edited by - tricorp on 08 Oct 2008 14:45:21

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