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Photo Wall does not display in browser

Posted 14 Sep 2008 00:06:05
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14 Sep 2008 00:06:05 William Adams posted:

I have been able to create a Photo Wall and preview it in DWCS3, but when I try to look at it in a browser, either locally (on my machine) or once posted on the website I only see the background of the photo wall, but no thumbnails. The page shows "Done" and no errors in the browser.

I have tried with two different pages (ASP) and both do not display. The second one I did I only added pictures to the wall and made no other changes, to see if there was something I messed up in the settnigs.

I have tried viewing in Firefox and IE7.



Will Adams


Replied 16 Sep 2008 19:51:45
16 Sep 2008 19:51:45 William Adams replied:
Hello all,

Since I was not getting any support or responses, I have tried to take matters into my own hands to resolve this, and I got it working.

In order to troubleshoot I went to the generated code that the 3D PhotoWall component generated. I then compared that to the code on DMXZone’s sample PhotoWall pages. What I found was that on my computer the extension had created an incorrect path to the Flash component that is used for displaying the wall. So, if the correct path was “ScriptLibrary/dmx3DPhotoWall.swf” the extension was creating code with “../site/ScriptLibrary/dmx3DPhotoWall.swf” instead.

Once I changed all the incorrect paths (I believe there were three instances in the generated code) everything worked fine.

Although I figured out the problem and solved it, I am not particularly pleased about the lack of support from the DMXZone staff. I am not a “coder” and the primary reason that I buy extensions is for their “plug and play” ease of use. I lost more money in billable time troubleshooting and solving this problem than I paid for the extension.

It also seems that I have discovered some bug in the code, which I hope gets fixed. (BTW, DMXZone staff, I might have a clue: I had to browse outside the site to get the high-res images from which the extension built the wall. I don’t know if that helps, but I thought I would offer.)

What does the DMXZone staff think of this? And why are we not getting much support in this forum? Is there another place where we should be going?

Thanks in advance.

Will Adams

Edited by - WilliFixit on 16 Sep 2008 19:52:50
Replied 17 Sep 2008 10:50:48
17 Sep 2008 10:50:48 Kiril Iliev replied:
Hi William,

Please make sure to post your issue on the respective forum of the extension.

Each extension has its own dedicated Support forums accessible from its respective web page (Support link).

In addition, could you please describe the bug that you were experiencing in more details?

What images have you been using? Did you use the implemented Resizer?


DMX Zones
Support Team
Replied 17 Sep 2008 17:13:57
17 Sep 2008 17:13:57 William Adams replied:
Thanks for responding. I could not find the support forum, as I was looking through the forum itself, and did not know that I should look on the extension home page. I did go to a link on the forum in a "Read this before asking for help or posting" in the Dreamweaver forum at but that link did not contain the extension that I was using. (Maybe that link needs to be updated?)

I will repost in the support forum.

Will Adams

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