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How to display a variable in a field?

Posted 12 Aug 2008 14:27:45
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12 Aug 2008 14:27:45 john henderson posted:

Its probably a daft question, but I have to ask it any way. I have a page which is split into 2 frames. The right hand frame contains a form that holds numerous customer data fields and when submited creates a new record. The left hand frame contains a list of street names, which are in their thousands, so using a pop up list is out of the qustion.

What I am trying to do is to get the user to select the street from the list in the left frame and then it should appear in the customers details, in the street field in the right frame.

I have tried using variables, but to be truthful I am not sure which one I should be using. I feel like I am going round and round with this.

Look forward to your reply

John Henderson

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