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Dreamweaver template issue with GO TO DETAIL

Posted 16 Jul 2008 19:47:00
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16 Jul 2008 19:47:00 Russell Isaac posted:
i have a DWT.ASP template file (in DW8). i add a recordset to show certain records and all the pages created from that template show the recordset fine.

but if i add a go to detail behaviour to the template (so that users can select a record and see detail page) my template-created pages all show the error

"Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
Type mismatch: 'MM_joinChar'"

...except the index.asp home page which loads fine.

without going into code detail at this stage, would anyone have any idea why this might occur - i.e. the recordset runs fine but not a simple go to detail behaviour (same behaviour runs fine if i insert direct into any of the template-created pages.

this a known DWT template issue or ignorance on my part.?!

appreciate any help!

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