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Dreamweaver MX, mysql 5.0.51b, php5, apache 2.2

Posted 17 Jun 2008 21:22:34
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17 Jun 2008 21:22:34 George Stops posted:

I am trying to link a master page to a details page using the id that is generated by mysql

Basically the following takes.
1. Database recieves info when forms are submitted
2. Some of the fields including the id field are displayed in a page called cvlist.
3. id numbers in cvlist are hyperlinked to new page called cvmore to display a particular row from the database in detail.
4. Once the id number (hyperlink) is clicked the cvmore page opens but here is the problem it always displays id "1" regardless of the id number that is clicked.

On the cvmore recordset there is a filter id = url parameter id

The table on the cvlist page is a repeat region and the hyperlink from the id is as follows

cvlistmore.php? ?php echo $row_Recordset2['id']; ? = The <> are missing from in front and after the ? as they would not display on this page

Also when I open phpMyAdmin it says the following at the bottom of the page in red but I'm not sure what to do about it

"The mbstring PHP extension was not found and you seem to be using a multibyte charset. Without the mbstring extension phpMyAdmin is unable to split strings correctly and it may result in unexpected results."

The above is all running on a local machine running windows xp

Any help much appreciated

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