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How to lock a text to prevent copy...

Posted 14 Jun 2008 19:33:27
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14 Jun 2008 19:33:27 Christine Nvmd posted:
i need some help here.. i use Dreamweaver MX and i d like to know if there is any command to lock my text when i finish my site so noone can copy it from browsers..
Thnx in advance


Replied 16 Jun 2008 11:19:48
16 Jun 2008 11:19:48 Alan C replied:
There are all manner of things you can do, some people go to enormous lengths, the funniest one I came across was a site about spare parts for pcs, the author had used a javascript to write the while lot in an attempt to prevent anyone copying the text - the amusing thing is that the text was such garbage and the site so badly presented that no-one would even have considered copying any of it <img src=../images/dmxzone/forum/icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>

Seriously though, it's very difficult to do what you want, all you will succeed in doing is slowing down a determined person, eventually the browser has to convert it to text in order that it can be shown, and in the most extreme cases no matter what you do, someone can take a series of screenshots and retype it - so your efforts would be in vain.

So, yes you can make it more difficult but there is no way you are going to stop a determined copier - and in case you're wondering, yes, I did find a way to copy all the text off the site I mentioned - and the reason I was looking so hard was that I actually wanted to buy something but that site had a link wrong and I wanted to follow it - curiosity that drove me on and a determination to find a way around, I bought elsewhere. If the guy had not bothered to try to stop me I wouldn't have given the site a second glance.

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