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weird font colour change

Posted 02 Jun 2008 03:30:31
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02 Jun 2008 03:30:31 david cole posted:
Using a template in DW CS3 I have hand-updated the date on all the web pages on my website. On all pages save one, the date is shown as "June 2008" in light green. However, on the "Art Links..." page, the "June 2008" appears in red. I thought this should be impossible as all the editable areas of the web pages are derived from a single template. I have tried deleting the Art Links page on the remote sender and re-putting it. No change. I have tried clearing the browser cache. No change.

The weird thing is that this issue does not arise in Firefox (though it creates other formatting issues) - only in IE7.

The Art Links web page is here:

If you try any of the other lefthand side links you'll see the date is always in green.

I assume that something strange is happening with a CSS but this problem has not arisen before and I'm stumped.

Grateful for any advice, please.



Replied 02 Jun 2008 14:28:28
02 Jun 2008 14:28:28 Alan C replied:
Hi David,

I took a quick look, I don't know exactly what is going on, but looking at the page source . . .

<pre id=code><font face=courier size=2 id=code>&lt;th width="133" height="25" scope="row"&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;span class="style5 style31"&gt;&lt;span class="style5 style48"&gt;&lt;span class="style57"&gt;JUNE 2008&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;br /&gt;
&lt;/p&gt; &lt;/th&gt;</font id=code></pre id=code>

there are an awful lot of spans being applied there, maybe it's just too much for IE7 LOL

you have 13 attached stylesheets plus a lot more embedded styles, that's a lot, I know it should work - but it doesn't.

My personal opinion is that M$ has a deliberate policy of not complying fully with standards so that developers have to make special effort and it makes life difficult for everyone <img src=../images/dmxzone/forum/icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>

Replied 02 Jun 2008 18:26:34
02 Jun 2008 18:26:34 david cole replied:
Thanks. The strange thing is that until now the updating process using the template has worked perfectly and all the derived pages have come out fine with the correct updated content. For some reason, IE7 has started not reading the page correctly - even though the only change I made was to change the date and its colour.

Grateful for any other ideas.



Replied 02 Jun 2008 19:01:40
02 Jun 2008 19:01:40 david cole replied:
I tried taking out all the html "spans" except the most recent one providing the latest font and colour, but all that did was to give me a standard Times New Roman font (black) for the date on the Art Links page. All the other pages were fine. I don't understand it.


Replied 03 Jun 2008 18:24:33
03 Jun 2008 18:24:33 david cole replied:

The problem was that a style had somehow become unassociated with the Artlinks page. I reattached it and the problem was fixed.

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