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DW apdiv's move in browsers

Posted 22 May 2008 13:53:44
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22 May 2008 13:53:44 Tim Stiffler posted:
I am new to DW CS3, and I have an issue that I am struggling with - I am using a liquid layout. Most of the content I have built in Photoshop, but things like video viewers, rollover buttons, ect. I add in DW. My problem is that I can have a site built perfectly in Dw, but when I upload it and view it with different monitors/browsers - "things" happen. My Photoshop built image stays put, but anything that I have added using Dreamweaver has "floated" or moved to a different place (usually it is a horizontal move, never vertical). I know that there is something simple that I have missed...anyone have any help for a new guy?

Thanks in advance!




Replied 23 May 2008 10:53:30
23 May 2008 10:53:30 Michael Hegarty replied:
I think, what you may be seeing is that your content will expand to fit the width of the browser, so, for example if it is set to 100% width then it will be 100% width no matter what the monitor resolution or the space allowed by the browser since different browser designs can have more or less space for the page itself depending on how many side bars or toolbars it has. If this isn't what you intended you could either; keep the widths of objects liquid and fix the positions or change the page so that everything is fixed.


Edited by - Michael Hegarty on 25 May 2008 15:01:03

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