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Advanced HTML editor and Smart Image processor

Posted 19 May 2008 20:35:45
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19 May 2008 20:35:45 Nick Gray posted:
I've got advanced HTML editor working as part of a CMS system that I'm building for a client.

I've added the ability for my client to upload an image. This is working, however I can't work out what the paths should be.

I click on the advanced button in the properties inspector, under Image Upload, I check the Allow Upload, and change the Upload folder to ../images/page_imgs directory (through the browse option), I tick Allow Resize and choose relative path. I then load the CMS page with the advanced editor on it, and choose and image to upload, this upload works, but when I look at the page as the visitor would see it, I get a broken image (if I look at the source I see <img alt="" src="../images/page_imgs/brochure_img_1.jpg" align="left" border="0" hspace="10" vspace="0"> as if the image hasn't been uploaded to the correct directory. I've tried using an Absolute path, again the upload works, and I can see the image in the visitor viewable page this time, but when I view the source code, I see that it's set the path to the image to be mymachinename/admin/../images/page_imgs/myfilename, now obviously I don't want to advertise what the path to my admin section is. Any idea what I should be setting and where, as I seem to be going round and round in circles, trying to get this right.

I'm not sure if it helps but this is my textarea code
<textarea dmxedit="true" id="page_content" name="page_content" style="width:740px;height:400px;" toolbar="H:H;T:BIU;E:SBU;J:LCRF;O:LUOI;C:F;X:SXHLITCFWM" config=";upload:asp;upfolder:../images/page_imgs;rlink:true" textcolor="#837163" css="screen_admin.css"><%=(rsPageContent.Fields.Item("page_content".Value)%></textarea>

All of the Adv_HTML directories are in the webroot directory, rather than in my admin directory, is this correct? Also I've tried changing the baseURL in the AdvHTML_Popups/upload.asp page, to /, /images/, ../images, whilst they give varying results, none of them are as I would like.

I'm also getting a pop up that says Smart Image Processor 1.1.2 or later is required, despite me having verion 2.0.4, and removing this as well as ASP Upload 3 3.0.9 and Advanced HTML Editor 2.0.5 and reinstalling them. This doesn't seem to stop it working, but is a pain to see each time I try and get this extension working.

Any help would be appreciated.



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