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Dreamweaver 8 - mysql - php recordset error

Posted 25 Apr 2008 20:30:21
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25 Apr 2008 20:30:21 mark venn posted:
Hi all
Having a problem creating recordset on my website. When I use my local machine I get on ok but when I try to build with my remote site being my website i get failures. I can create the connection ok, i can see the tables in the db ok. I can see the columns in the tables ok also. Move on to create a rs and i can again see the table again with the correct columns. If i try to test using the Test button I get the error HTTP Error Code 500 Internal Server Error. I assume that dw is trying to access the remote machine correctly but what is the best way forward for me now? I have been at this for a couple of days now and I am about to give up and build the entire site as a static site not dynamic. A lot more work for me in the long run but I have had enough. As I understand it I can not access mysql remotely but surely it is not this the problem?


Replied 01 May 2008 21:09:27
01 May 2008 21:09:27 Will S. replied:

1. What type of database?
2. What language?

The connection that works on your system, is the database on the local system as well?


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