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Dynamic text will not display

Posted 29 Mar 2008 07:11:14
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29 Mar 2008 07:11:14 Ed Reyman posted:
I have a static site up and running that needs dynamic pages. However, I can't get dynamic text to work. This is being done using the full (not student) version of Dreamweaver CS3. For testing, I'm uploading an asp page to the site, but not linking it to the static pages (so no one else can see it until it's ready). If the page has a recordset attached, I get "The page cannot be displayed". If I delete the recordset (without making any other changes), the page displays as expected. The attached recordset tests good in Dreamweaver. Attaching different tables makes no difference. Also, I tried running a known good asp page and asp database file from the author of the book I'm using to learn the program. Same result. IIS is running. When I use Dreamweaver to test the recordset with the author's files, I see the entries as expected. Any ideas?


Replied 30 Mar 2008 05:09:27
30 Mar 2008 05:09:27 Javier Castro replied:
is there an error number???
do you have the proper read and write permissions on the db and the server???
can you post your link to see what the problem might be????

"I'm a slow learner and I forget fast" grandpa
Replied 30 Mar 2008 11:07:36
30 Mar 2008 11:07:36 Ed Reyman replied:
Thanks for writing, Javier. By the way, I like your head-beater (that's me right now). I get error "HTTP 500". After leaving the post that you answered, I discovered that this is called a "Friendly Error Message", and is used to cover several problems. This message can be turned off, revealing the underlying problem source. Turning it off reveals the error as Microsoft OLE DB Driver error 80004005, and further states that the Data source name is not found. It also identifies the faulty line number in the HTML code. I have it from a reliable individual that the Data source name is properly created in the ODBC Administrator. I can also trace the links around the faulty line number, which contains the DSN connection (named connDMystify). Here is the path from the database to the asp page:

DMystifyDB.mdb (database) connected to DMystifyAccessDSN in the ODBC Administrator. This has a DSN connection to connDMystify, and is seen in the Dreamweaver Application Databases panel. This connection is identified in Recordset1, seen in the Dreamweaver Application Bindings panel. Connectng Recordset1 to the asp page makes the page fail.

Please tell me how to check the read and write permissions, and what I should see (I called myself "Novice Webmaster" in this forum for a reason!). Finally, what link would you like to see?
Replied 31 Mar 2008 05:21:51
31 Mar 2008 05:21:51 Javier Castro replied:
1.- Permissions: sometimes the webhost will asssign permissions read and write to Users. Others, the webhost provides with some kind of control panel for you to manage your site where you can assign the permissions to your directories or what I call folders.

2.- you can use a connection string that does not require odbc and it is called dsn-less connection. You can create a connection string by going to your databases tab on the Application panel. There you can assign a
connection name: connDMystify
connection string: "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=D:\users\database\DMystifyDB.mdb;"

the las bit of the string: D:\www\database\DMystifyDB.mdb; refers to the phisical location of your db.

3.- select the: the radio button that says "Using driver on testing server(that is your live server)"
then test connection

For complete reference on connection strings check:
for permissions, check google.

Also here is a great tutorial that will guide you through the setup and how to find out the location of your db.

If you don't have any luck. You can also ask your provider about the physical location of your db.

If it's not clear, it's because I have been hitting my head a lot lately.
Good luck and let me know what happens.


"I'm a slow learner and I forget fast" grandpa

Edited by - am7555 on 31 Mar 2008 05:22:48
Replied 31 Mar 2008 11:00:22
31 Mar 2008 11:00:22 Ed Reyman replied:
I have sent off an e-mail to the web host regarding permissisions and DB location. Plan to try a DSN-less connection, and your remaining suggestions after work. Thanks very much for the input. Will keep you posted.

Replied 01 Apr 2008 07:44:15
01 Apr 2008 07:44:15 Ed Reyman replied:
Did the DSN-less connection. This came back:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x8c4 Thread 0x784 DBC 0x9a7e5cc Jet'.

Checked Google and found the Microsoft page that addresses this error. Sent me to a spot in the registry. My machine was already set correctly.

Oh, by the way. My webhost told me today that they have to enter the DSN in their server manually. They did before going DSN-less, but it didn't make any difference.
Replied 05 Apr 2008 03:45:30
05 Apr 2008 03:45:30 Ed Reyman replied:
Apparently, the web host had an incorrect setting! I had e-mailed them about the problem. A couple of days later, they asked for clarification. After providing clarification, they said that the page in question was working. It was. Since it didn't work the night before, and I hadn't changed anything, I think they discovered THEIR error, fixed it, then called me - but won't admit the problem was on their end.

Get this. Now that the Recordset error is fixed, my asp pages don't see the database. Hopefully, when that is fixed, I can move forward and get this done quickly!

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