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Passing URL parameters / update pages

Posted 17 Mar 2008 22:31:29
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17 Mar 2008 22:31:29 Mike Sal posted:
I am having this problem. I created an "display listings" page as well as an update page to be able to to update my listings from my database. I linked to the update page from the display listings page which works fine. Click the link on the listings page and it takes up to the update page where I can make any changes needed. I set the listings page as the "go to url" page and it returns me to that page with new change made......... works perfect

Here is the problem ....... after making any changes to any record then trying to make a change to a different record from the "listings" page ........ I get this string in the url ( AdminDeleteListing.asp?ID=1&ID=1 ) and of course it doesnt take me back to the update page because it is adding the extra url parameter to the page.

hope this makes sense, I cant figure out why this is happening any help would be great



Replied 20 Mar 2008 23:08:38
20 Mar 2008 23:08:38 Javier Castro replied:
post your code to give a better idea of the problem.

"I'm a slow learner and I forget fast" grandpa

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