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Smart Image processor initializeUI is not defined

Posted 25 Feb 2008 13:34:20
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25 Feb 2008 13:34:20 charis ryan posted:
Hi there
I am having some problems with my smart image processor and pure php upload
I am using DWCS3 I have installed both programs and I keep getting very annoying popups saying "initializeUI not defined" or updateUI is not defined
I have read other threads on this forum which say to unistall both extensions and delete config files from application data configuration folder
SO I have tried all that I think I did correctly
I also installed image processor first then pure php upload and the update
I am using smart image processor 1.0.3 and pure php upload 2.1.2.and addon pack 1.03 I also tried installing the DW8 extension fix
BUt I still get the same problems
Can anyone help?
Is there a way to get this all working?
Any help would be really great
Have a nice day

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