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PHP WYSIWYG Editor Versus Contribute

Posted 19 Feb 2008 22:24:17
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19 Feb 2008 22:24:17 k p posted:
Is there a php extension for Dreamweaver CS3 for a WYSIWYG "word processor" like upload for end users to access via their web browsers. Seems to me Contribute is all Macromedia is trying to push, either that or Coldfusion. If not can anyone recommend php software that is not a Dreamweaver extension that is css compliant etc?


Replied 20 Feb 2008 03:30:52
20 Feb 2008 03:30:52 Annette Winter replied:
I create many websites and searched for quite sometime for a suitable CMS that was easy for my clients to use. I have been using for around 18 months now. It is very easy to implement and there are various licences available depending on what you want your client to be able to do.
Hope that helps!
Replied 20 Feb 2008 21:02:21
20 Feb 2008 21:02:21 k p replied:
Thanks Annette,

I've had a look around and I think looks good also but it's always good to get a recommendation so I'll download them both and have a play.

<img src=../images/dmxzone/forum/icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>
Replied 21 Feb 2008 12:33:21
21 Feb 2008 12:33:21 Matt Bailey replied:
If you want a clean and simple WYSIWYG editor they don't come much more clean and simple than WidgEditor:

You still have to create the end user pages yourself, but WidgEditor replaces all the standard form textareas with a rather neat WYSIWYG editor. Unlike most editors it only includes a few options, but in most cases this suffices (and stops your users from completely messing up your design and layout).

"Some people say if you play a windows cd backwards it plays satanic messages. That's nothing, because if you play it forwards it installs windows!"
Replied 29 Feb 2008 03:25:41
29 Feb 2008 03:25:41 Ryan G replied:
There is a new WYSIWYG Dreamweaver extension that allows you to easily integrate FCKeditor into your webpages without all the configuration hassle. You can read about it at
Replied 29 Feb 2008 19:05:50
29 Feb 2008 19:05:50 k p replied:
Thanks Ryan, I found it also and can highly recommend it.

With thanks,


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