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Urgent help - inserting multiple records

Posted 19 Feb 2008 14:50:41
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19 Feb 2008 14:50:41 Scott Christy posted:
Sorry in advance if this is the wrong forum to post in, I didn't see an area.

I hope someone on here can help me. I have a student participating in a Web Applications competition. She has solved all parts of the problem except this last part and at this point I haven't been able to figure out how to help her.

The problem is a student grade/transcript system. The requirement that has me stumped is that she is required to generate a form based on user input. This form then submits multiple records to a database at one time.

For example, the user is asked, "How many grades do you need to submit for this student?" They type in an answer and hit submit. Based on the number they submitted it has to generate an insert records form with that many rows of entries. After the user fills out all of the entries, it is supposed to submit all those entries at the same time. The student id is already held in a session variable. The grades are all submitted to one table in the database.

Say the user says they have 5 grades to enter. It should generate a form like this (all are textbox fields except for grade and semester which are list menus) :

Coursename | Grade | Credits | Semester
name1 | grade1 |Credits1 |semester1
name2 | grade2 |Credits2 |semester2
name3 | grade3 |Credits3 |semester3
name4 | grade4 |Credits4 |semester4
name5 | grade5 |Credits5 |semester5

When the submit button is clicked all of the data should be added to the database.

We're using (v1.1) , VB and Dreamweaver mx2004. Can someone help us, or direct us to a tutorial that can help us? We're sort of desperate because this project has to be submitted by February 27th.

Thanks in advance for any help any of you can provide.

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