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Error calling GetTables

Posted 17 Feb 2008 01:14:31
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17 Feb 2008 01:14:31 the rog posted:
Everything worked just fine until one day this error came out. It didn't install any new extension. In fact, I didn't even open dreamweaver. Its just went crazy out of no where.

First thing frist. I delete current connection and re-crate new one. "connection was made successfully". But no tables is accessible. Tried remove connection script (through menu as well as manually delete _mmServerScripts). Bad dreamweaver!

I googled everything on "gettables" with no luck. Every solutions i found referring to SP2 fix released by Macromedia. The things is, I am using SP2 before this and it worked just fine. Just to be sure, I did installed the fix. The thought of corrupted dreamweaver lead me to re-installation. Same error came out. Desperately need to proceed, again lead me to re-formatting my PC. Still no luck!

I transfered my files from work PC to home PC and created a new site complete with DSN and database. Error! I had previously done this and went fine.

I'm using ODBC connection through PHakt extension for PHP development with MySql as a server. I'm required to use the ODBC because of client request.

I'm desperately need help on this.

Thanks in advanced.


Replied 17 Feb 2008 01:17:38
17 Feb 2008 01:17:38 the rog replied:
Owh ya, I'm using Dreamweaver 8 in both PCs.

Extension installed = PHakt only

note: I even tried delete and create new DSN. However, this problem didn't occur if I'm using dreamweaver natively (PHP/MySQL)

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