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problems checking for duplicate insert

Posted 08 Feb 2008 18:38:32
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08 Feb 2008 18:38:32 Ann Thomas posted:

Can someone please advise me what's the matter with this code. It is an appointments diary and the appointments keep going through to table when they shouldn't be.


if Request.form("Enter"="Enter Appt Room 1" then

varTime = Request.form("select3"
varDate = Request.form("dateTxt"
varClient = Request.form("clientApptTbx"
varPatient = Request.form("patientApptTbx"
varRoomNo = 1

set rs7=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset" "select * from appts where dateAppt =#" & varDate & "# and timeAppt =" & varTime & "",conn,3

if rs7.RecordCount>0 then

response.write "<font color = 'red'>"
response.write "Sorry, that appointment has already been taken"
response.write "</font>"


Dim records
conn.Execute "INSERT INTO appts(timeAppt,dateAppt,clientIDAppt,patientIDAppt,roomNo) VALUES" & _
"('" & varTime & "','" & varDate & "','" & varClient & "','" & varPatient & "','" & varRoomNo & "')" , records

if records=1 then

response.write "<font color = 'blue'>"
response.write "The appointment has been made"
response.write "</font>"

End if
End if
set rs7 = nothing

End if


varTime is a number from 1 to 12, but shows as a time when in the select box.
varDate is a short date

There doesn't seem to be any other errors except that the appointment keeps going through whether there is already one the same in the table or not.

Is it something to do with the fact that time is a number, and I am telling the server to find time as text (or something like that).

The code

response.write "Sorry, that appointment has already been taken"

isn't displaying at all because the data is getting through


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