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Pass a Session variable with Pure File Upload

Posted 02 Jan 2008 16:47:39
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02 Jan 2008 16:47:39 bill charrette posted:
I’ve read all the replies for this article and still cannot pass a Session variable from one page to another when applying the Pure File Upload

I am using Dreamweaver: 8.02, Pure ASP Upload 3, ASP VB Script

I understand that after you use the Pure ASP Upload you can't use the Request.Form collection. There fore I am using the UploadFormRequest(..) instead.

The following code is placed on the upload page (after all the asp code - before the html code per your instructions at

If (CStr(Request.QueryString("GP_upload") <> "" Then
New_redirectPage = "newsletter_added.asp" 'Set the new redirect page

'Set our session, cookie or other variables from the form submissions

Session("sessNewsletterFrom" = UploadFormRequest("NewsletterFrom"
Session("sessNewsletterPrivacyType" = UploadFormRequest("NewsletterPrivacyType"
Session("sessNewsletterSubject" = UploadFormRequest("NewsletterSubject"
Session("sessNewsletterMessage" = UploadFormRequest("NewsletterMessage"
Session("sessNewsletterAttachment1" = UploadFormRequest("NewsletterAttachment1"
Session("sessNewsletterAttachment2" = UploadFormRequest("NewsletterAttachment2"
Session("sessNewsletterAttachment3" = UploadFormRequest("NewsletterAttachment3"

'Redirect the page if we have set the above variable
If New_redirectPage <> "" Then
End If

End If

The following code is placed on the redirect page (per your instructions at

'These are used to check for correct values
'Remove or comment then out after checking!

Response.Write "NewsletterFrom: " & Session("NewsletterFrom"
Response.Write "NewsletterSubject: " & Session("NewsletterSubject"
Response.Write "NewsletterPrivacyType: " & Session("NewsletterPrivacyType"
Response.Write "NewsletterMessage: " & Session("NewsletterMessage"
Response.Write "NewsletterAttachment1: " & Session("NewsletterAttachment1"
Response.Write "NewsletterAttachment2: " & Session("NewsletterAttachment2"
Response.Write "NewsletterAttachment3: " & Session("NewsletterAttachment3"


Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thanks Bill

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