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DW CS3 ASP and MS access

Posted 29 Dec 2007 16:44:41
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29 Dec 2007 16:44:41 Murryy Zakir posted:
I am trying to connect MS access to aspx page via DW cs3 trial version. I am gettig this "Unidentified error has occured" in OLE DB connection box. I don't know what i am missing. In the Data link property i am choosing Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB provider and selecting my .mdb and usr=admin pwd=blank and gettng "Test connetiong succeded." However in DW OLE db connecton box when i push the Test button the "Unidentified error has occured pops up" I have tried tons of goolge on this topic but no luck...Dreamweaver helps is not as helpful. Is there any workaround for this?
The index.html page load up fine on the host computer as well as remote computer somewhere on the internet.

Webserver I am usin is Xerver 4.31. The root folder which has the index.html is c:\website.

Here is some info:
Connecting String:
Data Source=C:\Website\Database\Mydatabase2000.mdb;
Persist Security Info=False

Local root folder: C:\WebsiteHttp address:
Access: Local/Network
URL Prefix localhost/

Its been 3rd day i am stuck on this and no go ..... nybody kindly get me out this and I will greatly appecate it. Thanks


Replied 09 Jan 2008 13:48:09
09 Jan 2008 13:48:09 John Hardy replied:
I am not sure if it will help you but I use Tom Mucks extension and find it very useful

OLEDB Connection String Builder (free)

I am having problems with cs3 and access
When inserting a date into access from cs3 any date less than 13 goes in as a US format rather than uk
13 and over goes in OK

ie 06/01/2008 inserts into access as 01/06/2008.
I believe Adode are working on it.....

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