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Dreamweaver removing space upon update

Posted 06 Dec 2007 19:59:47
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06 Dec 2007 19:59:47 Randall Anthony posted:
I've noticed a very irritating problem that has recently gone from isolated to almost epidemic. When I update a template or library item, Dreamweaver is removing any spaces before a library item. When the item is used, say, in a sentence, this becomes a problem - those spaces are important!

For instance, this:

You can support me by shopping at <!-- #BeginLibraryItem "/library/Amazon.lbi" --><A href="">Amazon</A><!-- #EndLibraryItem -->.

became this:

You can support me by shopping at<!-- #BeginLibraryItem "/library/Amazon.lbi" --><A href="">Amazon</A><!-- #EndLibraryItem -->.

causing the page to display "atAmazon" instead of "at Amazon"

I use library items a lot, both within ineditable template code and inside editable regions. Because I use them in a variety of settings, hard-coding a space (or nonbreaking space) into the library item itself is not an option.

Anyone else having this problem?

I am using CS3 on Mac OS10.4<b></b><b></b>

Edited by - anthonr on 06 Dec 2007 20:01:11

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