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Uploading files with PHP

Posted 13 Oct 2007 02:38:38
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13 Oct 2007 02:38:38 John Lee posted:
I am attempting to add a file upload to my form, but get the following error message:

Upload: blue_sky_b4.mp3
Type: audio/mpeg
Size: 195.75 Kb
Stored in: Upload: blue_sky_b4.mp3
Type: audio/mpeg
Size: 195.75 Kb
Temp file: /tmp/phpohOUsP

Warning: move_uploaded_file(blue_sky_b4.mp3) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/ficalo00/public_html/upload_file.php on line 183

Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/tmp/phpohOUsP' to 'blue_sky_b4.mp3' in /home/ficalo00/public_html/upload_file.php on line 183
Stored in: public_html/blue_sky_b4.mp3

I have granted anonymous user permission in my FTP file manager, but that doesn't seem to make any difference. Vista Pages told me to use public_html as the directory, but the FTP manager designates ftp:\\ Can anyone help me make sense of this mess? I'm using Dreamweaver CS3 if you need to know that. Thanks for your help.

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