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swf file does not show in dreamweaver cs3

Posted 01 Sep 2007 05:52:41
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01 Sep 2007 05:52:41 Claudia Verciani posted:
Hello, I placed a swf file in DW CS3 (mac intel) but when I test it, nothing shows up. In my dreamweaver I can see a gray swf box, but when I press play or test it on any browser nothing appears..
Can someone help?


Replied 01 Sep 2007 19:26:52
01 Sep 2007 19:26:52 Karen VanDonsel replied:

I had a similar problem only my swf file would play while I tested it on my hard drive. My problem was that I could not see the swf flash play on the web site when I uploaded it.

I finally discovered today that I had failed to upload the AC_RunActiveControl.js file. The javascript file must be uploaded into the same directory and the HTML code in the HTML document must be updated to reflect that location in order for the swf to play.

I discovered the problem when I republished my swf file, along with the HTML file, in Flash. I then uploaded the HTML generated by the Flash program to see if the swf played. It didn't, but I did get the error message abut the javascript file. That's when I went looking.

If this isn't you exact problem, you still may want to go through the same steps - upload both the swf and HTML files in Flash. Then try to play the swf in that HTML page to see if it plays. If it doesn't, the odds are there is a active control file missing, but you should get an error message t that effect.

I hope this helps. Good luck!
Replied 24 Jul 2008 19:21:49
24 Jul 2008 19:21:49 susie esteves replied:
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>

I had a similar problem only my swf file would play while I tested it on my hard drive. My problem was that I could not see the swf flash play on the web site when I uploaded it.

I finally discovered today that I had failed to upload the AC_RunActiveControl.js file. The javascript file must be uploaded into the same directory and the HTML code in the HTML document must be updated to reflect that location in order for the swf to play.

I discovered the problem when I republished my swf file, along with the HTML file, in Flash. I then uploaded the HTML generated by the Flash program to see if the swf played. It didn't, but I did get the error message abut the javascript file. That's when I went looking.

If this isn't you exact problem, you still may want to go through the same steps - upload both the swf and HTML files in Flash. Then try to play the swf in that HTML page to see if it plays. If it doesn't, the odds are there is a active control file missing, but you should get an error message t that effect.

I hope this helps. Good luck!
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote>

Replied 24 Jul 2008 19:23:04
24 Jul 2008 19:23:04 susie esteves replied:

where do you find this AC file and how do you create it?

thanks Susie

Replied 11 Nov 2008 17:53:59
11 Nov 2008 17:53:59 Joseph Stewart replied:
Claudia I just have to say you are a god. I had everything but the AC_RunActiveControl.js script that fixed it for me. Thanks a bunch

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