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dependent select list and sql database

Posted 05 Aug 2007 09:46:05
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05 Aug 2007 09:46:05 David Smith posted:

I am trying to format a page with several dependent drop-down menus/lists.
The information I have is very complex. The first drop down determines the values present in the second, and the second drop down determines the values in the third and fourth drop-downs. The value of the third drop-down also determines the value of a text output area/box.
I am using dreamweaver CS3. I also decided its best to use a MySQL database to contain the data as it all may change frequently, I originally intended to do all of this with just html/javascript but the arrays quickly became unmanageable.

So far I have the following issue;
I have the first drop-down working, taking data from the database/recordset.
The second drop down, I can make it take data from the database, but as soon as I try to set up a variable it chokes and nothing displays on the page.

What I suppose I need is some way to update a variable and update the second list box when the first menu/list box has had a selection by the user. Whats the best way to go about doing this?
I was thinking about an onChange behavior to run a javascript routine but honestly I have no idea how to get that to work. That and the nomenclature for entering the variable in the recordset is a mystery to me.

Thanks in advance.

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