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Website issues
Posted 16 Jul 2007 17:35:29
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16 Jul 2007 17:35:29 Kelly Mahon posted:
I have built a website using a Dreamweaver template and posting onto my free webspace with earthlink. I have checked the FTP connection and have successfully uploaded the site but when I go to the site I only pull up the directory. Can someone please advise? Replies
Replied 17 Jul 2007 02:00:57
17 Jul 2007 02:00:57 Alan C replied:
Hi Kelly,
You need to call your homepage index.htm or index.html, if you don't then the server doesn't know which file to serve and often shows the directory listing - if you see the file that is your homepage you should be able to click on it and the site will then work.
when you look at the directory listing can you 'see' a file called index.htm or index.html ?
if not change the name of whatever is your homepage and try again, that should do it.
You need to call your homepage index.htm or index.html, if you don't then the server doesn't know which file to serve and often shows the directory listing - if you see the file that is your homepage you should be able to click on it and the site will then work.
when you look at the directory listing can you 'see' a file called index.htm or index.html ?
if not change the name of whatever is your homepage and try again, that should do it.