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Photography Database

Posted 28 Jun 2007 14:52:00
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28 Jun 2007 14:52:00 Chris Gallagher posted:
Hi - Im wondering if anyone can help me. I have a liitle project to do and I'm not quite sure where to start and I'm trying to not reinvent the wheel .
Basically, I am after some kind of CMS system for photography. A freind of mine has a website and does wedding photography. When he has taken the clients photographs (could be 200+) he then goes out to see them with the laptop and they choose the pics they want and he puts together an album. Obviously , this is time consuming and he may have upto 15+ visits to do on a buisy week.
So - to the proposed solution! - He is wanting to be able to upload all the images (after they have been resized in Pshop and watermarked) to his website - so the client can then log in from their computer and choose the images they want. Each client would need their own login and password that he specifies and creates and he needs to be able to upload the images himself. - After a certain period - say a week he would delete the images and that particular account to save on server space.
So i guess what i am trying to achieve is a CMS system for him that he can manage - set passwords from his end and upload the pictures for the client to see so that he does not have to go out. Each image would need the image and a name fro the image and perhaps a check box to select that image. Then this would send him an email from a submit button that tells him which images the client wants. Phew!
I was wondering if anyone knew of a pre written script or program that does this ( he is not a web designer - so it would have to be simple) - or where to start on such a program. My PHP skills are very limited as i have spent the last 12 months with CSS and what not. Maybe you may know of someone who could write such a program for me on my limited budget!
I would have thought that this is already in use in other sites - but ib have yet to find one.
Just wondering if any of you good people could point me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance.


Replied 23 Jul 2007 15:15:37
23 Jul 2007 15:15:37 Marius Vorster replied:
Hi there, I have a similar client - one more problem: the images is also available in different sizes 6x12 8x14, enlarmentsetc.!
Replied 23 Jul 2007 16:57:12
23 Jul 2007 16:57:12 Kiril Iliev replied:
Hi Chris and Marius,

I assume that you want to manipulate images and upload them to a server.

In order to manipulate images (resizing, changing extension, etc.) prior uploading them on a web server, I could recommend you Smart Image Processor PHP 2:

It allows you to quickly and easily process multiple images, create thumbnails, use image options such as crop, flip, rotate, sharpen and blur, or create grayscale images. You can even brand your image by including a watermark or text.

For the uploading process you might want to look at Pure PHP Upload 2:

No extra coding needed. No server components required! Its all PURE PHP CODE!

However, both extensions could be found in Smart Image Upload Bundle PHP:

DMX Zones Support Team
Replied 24 Jul 2007 09:45:48
24 Jul 2007 09:45:48 Marius Vorster replied:
Hi there, the whole process upload etc is not the problem, I have a problem that in the event of a few images you can create every image and its dif sizes as products, what do you do in the event of 200+ images - all this is on a DB driven site with different photo sessions, dif qty of images in shoot and +/- 10 dif size options!
Replied 24 Jul 2007 13:34:53
24 Jul 2007 13:34:53 Kiril Iliev replied:
Hi Marius,

I assume that you want to resize an entire folder of images on your server. That could be done using Smart Image Processor PHP 2. So, I would like to redirect you to the following topic:

In addition, you can learn more at the official site of the extension found here:


DMX Zones Support Team

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