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Preserve text format using CS3
Posted 03 Jun 2007 23:52:51
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03 Jun 2007 23:52:51 Dimitris Kouris posted:
Hi,I am using DW cs3 and I am trying to preserve the the text inserted into a textarea. Also I am using ASPUplaod 2.22 to upload an image.
I changed the code and I declared in a variable the formfield content in order to replace the returns with a < br. I dont get any < br> in the db field.
This is the code:
Dim BussinessDescription
BussinessDescription = UploadFormRequest("BussinessDescription"
BussinessDescription = Replace(BussinessDescription,vbCrLf, "< br />"
MM_editCmd.Parameters.Append MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param1", 203, 1, 536870910, UploadFormRequest(BussinessDescription)) ' adLongVarWChar
I have done in the past with other versions of DW and worked fine!
What am i missing this time?