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Website structure help
05 May 2007 17:57:19 Erly Erly posted:
When looking at templates downloaded over the internet I see that the website only lets you edit specific parts each area of the page is sliced by a dotted line dividing the banner from the menu from the body etc... How do I create the same layout?they dont even let you resize the site. Is that because it is a template?
why is it after loading the dwt file i still cant resize it?
Replied 08 May 2007 09:19:29
08 May 2007 09:19:29 satheesh Dominic replied:
Once the author converts the template into DWT format. Only those parts which are made as editable regions can be edited. The rest part can not be edited. So if you want those areas to be modified, you have to convert those area into editable region.
Replied 14 May 2007 01:00:23
14 May 2007 01:00:23 Kenneth Halley replied:
If you are not able to modify template files- sometimes the best thing to do is open it in a standard text editor and remove all the template tags then start from there with a "clean" file in DW