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building search results displaying a picture

Posted 03 Feb 2007 06:51:23
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03 Feb 2007 06:51:23 Amanda Rojas posted:
<font face='Book Antiqua'></font id='Book Antiqua'>I am looking for some help on how to build search results on my website that displays images. I am using php, mysql and dreamweaver mx. Do give you a better idea on what I'm looking for, say you go to Walmart and search for a product. The results show the product image, description, price and other info. This is exactly what I'm looking for. The prob I have is the picture part. I don't know how to display it, store or link it in the database. I would immensly appreciate any and all help. Thank you!!!!!!


Replied 05 Feb 2007 04:13:13
05 Feb 2007 04:13:13 Javier Castro replied:
Since it seems that you have most of it done add another field to your db to store the address or name to the picture. i.e. image.jpg or GIF

the same field should be reflected on your insert record and should be a file field and your update form. On your display page you first add an image placeholder then you bind your recordset item to the image placeholder. Then apply your repeat region to your recordset items: name, price, description and image(usually thumbnail.)

Hope it helps.

Replied 07 Feb 2007 06:29:18
07 Feb 2007 06:29:18 Amanda Rojas replied:
Thank you so much for the info. Im sure it will help a great deal! I havn't tried yet, however, I can already forsee that I will have probs w/the scripting on the PHP side on retreiveing the image from mysql and setting the parameters on the image size and so forth. Can you help me on the code. I'm fairly new at this and need to build a website asap. I built login, update, and delete pages before but that was like a yrs ago... I'm a bit rusty! I thank you inadvance! Your help is greatly appreciated.

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