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flash to js open window security issue

Posted 26 Jan 2007 10:53:01
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26 Jan 2007 10:53:01 tony forsey posted:
Problem opening a browser window from CD production in Flash 8

I am trying to produce a CD in Flash 8 that needs to open some html files. I have tried using 'externalInterface'which works fine on my local machine but not as a CD or on any other machine, but now understand that this does not work because of security restrictions.

I have tried getURL as below (only works locally and on the internet not on a CD or other machine)

diyplus_mc.onPress = function ()
getURL ("javascript:var windowHdl ='showcase/products_services/showcase_home.htm','newwin','toolbar=1,resizable=1,fullscreen=1');";


I have now found the function allowInsecureDomain() but I need to know if this will help if not is there a way to do it?

If it will work how do I use it? Can you supply an example of code.

I have tried everything I can think of. Can you help?


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