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choose specific record

Posted 07 Jan 2007 20:16:01
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07 Jan 2007 20:16:01 Pro Groskam posted:
Hi !
I'm working on a page that display database records in the table. There can be only one record or more, so I use repeat region. In this table is data from database and from menu on previous page. Now, I have to display data from selected table row on another page, so I try with master/detail page. It works OK with data from database(passing ID of a database record), but it doesn't display one from dropdown menus. Anybody know what to do ? Thanks


Replied 07 Jan 2007 20:28:30
07 Jan 2007 20:28:30 Pro Groskam replied:
This is how that table looks like:

Name Adress Date_begin Date_finish Link

dbRecord dbRecord from list/menu from list/menu img.gif
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .

In a "link" column is a small image and when user clicks, it should display data from choosen row on another page. As I said before, it doesn't show two Date
Replied 09 Jan 2007 02:26:28
09 Jan 2007 02:26:28 Jeremy Conn replied:
Here is your image...

<b>&lt;img src="images/link.jpg" /&gt;</b>

... now, make it a link...

<b>&lt;a href="#"&gt;</b>&lt;img src="images/link.jpg" /&gt;<b>&lt;/a&gt;</b>

... now, make the link point to your detail page, which is filtered by the passed ID...

&lt;a href="<b>detail.asp?ID=&lt;%=(rsRecordset.Fields.Item("ID".Value)%&gt;</b>"&gt;&lt;img src="images/link.jpg" /&gt;&lt;/a&gt;

... that's it.

<b>Jeremy Conn</b>
Replied 11 Jan 2007 11:56:52
11 Jan 2007 11:56:52 Pro Groskam replied:
Thanks, but I already have that part, and it's not a problem. Problem is how to tranfer two dates, date_begin and date_finish to detail page because they not from database, but entered on previous page (or this, same problem) ??
Replied 27 Mar 2008 11:01:06
27 Mar 2008 11:01:06 alice xiao replied:
how can i achieve this goal if i want to use a jump menu?

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