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Config DW with PHP & MYSQL using VirtualHost

Posted 02 Dec 2006 11:50:10
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02 Dec 2006 11:50:10 Howard S posted:
I posted this once with no replies, and I still haven't figured out my problem.
So here is my setup again.

It's Windows XP Pro, with Apache 2.2.3 and PHP 5.1.6. MySQL 5.0.24.
Apache DocRoot is C:\Apache\Apache2.2\htdocs.

I created a Virtual-Host file with my sites. The sites that I'm tyring to use the database with
is set to
ServerName superdiscount
DocumentRoot C:/Apache/Apache2.2/htdocs/superdiscount/htdocs
So superdiscount shows index.html page OK.

I also do have a Site with just localhost too.
I have phpMyAdmin installed, and it runs from /localhost/phpmyadmin
the <? phpinfo() function works when loaded.

So I guessing that either I don't have Dreamweaver Site properly configured or that it has a problem with the pathing or
because of the VirtualHost pathing is not correct.

For Testing Server I set my URL Prefix to superdiscount since that is what I have in the VirtualHost. Or do I need to set
it to superdiscount/htdocs

The Testing Serving Folder is set the C:\Apache\Apache2.2\htdocs\superdiscount\htdocs\ Or do I need it to point
to just Apache2.2\htdocs
I have Remote Info set to FTP with Host Directory as /htdocs

So I'm getting this 404 error with the following: The testing server specified for this site does not map to the superdiscount/htdocs/_mmServerScripts/MMHTTPDB.php URL. Verify that the URL Pefix maps to the root of the site.
BTW: there is a _mmServerScript folder under /superdiscount/htdocs.

One more thing I forgot to add. Some Sites say to copy libmysql.dll from the c:\php directory to the
windows directory. I notice that both mysql\bin and \php both have a libmysql.dll file, and their
file size differs. So do I really use the php file or should I use the mysql file ??

Also in httpd.conf I have
PHPIniDir c:\php

and I copied mysql my.ini to c:\windows


Replied 04 Dec 2006 11:08:42
04 Dec 2006 11:08:42 Howard S replied:
Fixed for Now. Turns out that the scripts in Dreamweaver are written in a depracated manner.
In PHP.ini I switched register_global to on, and register_long_arrays to on.

Then the connections worked. Hopefully Adobe will provide some update scripts so we don't have to
turn globals on, or else if I don't want this I'll have to edit the _mmServerScripts/MMHTTPDB.PHP script to
use the new super_globals.

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