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Dynamic Flash Gallery 1.2 Log in

Posted 11 Nov 2006 04:59:37
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11 Nov 2006 04:59:37 Scott Weiter posted:
I keep playing with this thinking I will figure it out but after a few months I'm yet to get it to work. The flash album generator 2 works flawless. But when I try to add the Dynamic Flash Gallery to it I get the same error message. I've tried it on different servers with different permissions for files and folders. But I always get the message: Unable to retrieve the XML data from the server. Please check your with an ok button to click. I've tried to call each of the xml files directly through the address and they pull up ok.

Here is the last site I did tonight as a last test:

login: scott
password: ass

Photos are stored in:
with xml here:

Any help would be wonderful.


Replied 11 Nov 2006 11:12:06
11 Nov 2006 11:12:06 Jacks J replied:

For dynamic flash gallery just search in the below listed site. I think this will be helpful to you.....<img src=../images/flzone/forum/icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>

Best Regards
<img src=../images/flzone/forum/icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle>

Replied 12 Nov 2006 22:33:23
12 Nov 2006 22:33:23 wendy kleu replied:
Hi, I had this same problem, got past it by manually manipulating the gallery address in the xml file. The extension script appears to add a '/' (forward slash) before the name of the xml file path. Taking out the slash worked for me. Now have another login problem though when trying to login - says root node is not a flash gallery, so perhaps the slash removing wasn't so clever?

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