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dynamic flash banner & security
Posted 20 Sep 2006 19:13:47
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20 Sep 2006 19:13:47 Gregory Roczniak posted:
Hello all,I need some advice and a point in the right direction.
I’d like to create a flash banner (easy to do),
but I’d like the banner to display dynamic data, from an xml file. Different text / links
by banner I mean an advertisement banner not a site header.
The swf file would be hosted my server, than I’d include a java script in other websites (just like most advertising campaigns) that will call a .php or .js file which will check if the target user has flash if so display the banner, if not substitute it with a gif.
Here are my questions;
is it possible, are there any security issues involved? any sort of blocking by browsers etc.
i know it can be done, I just don’t know where to start,
yeah I know I can pay someone to do it, but that would take all the fun out of it.
Replied 21 Sep 2006 15:08:55
21 Sep 2006 15:08:55 mimi jolly-van bodegraven replied:
I'm by no means an expert on dynamic content in flash, but from what I've read you can combine action script with a server-side scripting like php, asp, or coldfusion (if your server can help you create the data source, I highly recommend coldfusion). You can find a ton of articles on the subject if you google it, and there are a lot of books on the topic, like this