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Calendar/Registration Code
20 Jun 2001 11:48:10 Les Webb posted:
I'd like to create a way for users to view a calendar of available dates for classes, etc., and be able to reserve the date real-time by registering for that date. Is there a function/extension in Ultradev that sets this up? Or does anyone have any sample coding that I could start off with?Replies
Replied 27 Jul 2001 18:03:59
27 Jul 2001 18:03:59 Super Freaker replied:
ANN: UCalendar | ASP Calendar of Events for UltraDev
UCalendar is a UltraDev friendly application that manages large scale calendar of event listings. You can now view the live demonstration site at the following URL: This application features full online administration capabilities that allows UCalendar managers to review, edit, delete, and approve a variety of user-submitted events.
Visitors to the site can browse through events through a number of methods including by region, event type, month, or exact date. They can even submit their own events using an online form which goes to the administrator for approve.
The entire application was built using Macromedia's UltraDev utilizing Microsoft Active Server Pages (.asp) technology with a Microsoft Access 2000 database. Minimal handcoding was used to ensure specific date display, as well as making the login area secure. It is simple enough for even the newest UD developer to implement!
UCalendar is a UltraDev friendly application that manages large scale calendar of event listings. You can now view the live demonstration site at the following URL: This application features full online administration capabilities that allows UCalendar managers to review, edit, delete, and approve a variety of user-submitted events.
Visitors to the site can browse through events through a number of methods including by region, event type, month, or exact date. They can even submit their own events using an online form which goes to the administrator for approve.
The entire application was built using Macromedia's UltraDev utilizing Microsoft Active Server Pages (.asp) technology with a Microsoft Access 2000 database. Minimal handcoding was used to ensure specific date display, as well as making the login area secure. It is simple enough for even the newest UD developer to implement!