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Display user details after login page

Posted 28 May 2006 04:38:06
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28 May 2006 04:38:06 paul M posted:
Hi Guys

Got a bit of a problem, a common one I am sure. I am using DW8 with PHP Database, I have a login page where I used the user authentication to set up a login. It worked fine, the user logs in, redirected if wrong etc, BUT the page it goes to I want to display the users details so I can update them. I set up a recordset saying select all from desired table where,,, this is probably where I up messing up, I am not sure what to type in, I have tried a couple of different things with the filters but no joy.

All the best



Replied 29 May 2006 17:23:38
29 May 2006 17:23:38 Roddy Dairion replied:
Send your code and we'll fix it.

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