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Request for Coding Help w/ PopUps

Posted 03 Apr 2006 22:26:30
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03 Apr 2006 22:26:30 Pai Wacket posted:
I have just made the site below live, but have several questions about popups:

And the script that was suggested:

<a href="javascript:newWin=void('gallery-popup-ear/445E-ear-full.html','newWin','status=1,width=660,height=350,top=100,left=100'))">

1. How can I set the script to open the gallery pop-up _in front of_ the main window.

2. How can I make the popup script create _several_ windows for each thumbnail. IE, presently, clicking on each thumbnail simply replaces the already-open popup.

3. Can I set a minimum size for a pop-up so that in the gallery a window will open to specific minimum dimensions. Smaller images seem to have more white space in the pop-up, while others get cut off.

4. Is there a fave site where such scripts as the one proposed here reside. It was very simple to implement, thank you very much.

Thanks, -Pai <b></b>

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