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Flash Album Generator2

Posted 13 Mar 2006 02:32:32
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13 Mar 2006 02:32:32 jeff burns posted:

I purchased the Flash Album Generator last week and then upgraded to the new version before having even tried it. Well, I just tried it and it's not working ... First only i picture was appearing. The next time I tried it none of the pictures are appearing. It seems pretty straightforward to use, so I don't see what the problem is.

I get this error when I just run the .swf file.

[Internal DMX FlashGallery (v2.02) Error]
Unable to load gallery data from the XML file.
Error message: [Transaction.ErrorMessage(103)] Unable to retrieve the XML data from the server. Please check your configuration.

Any suggestions ???


Replied 24 Oct 2006 14:52:01
24 Oct 2006 14:52:01 Jehan Shaw replied:
I get this too...

I have created the gallery, which worked fine, when I try and make it dynamic, it throws up errors...
can't write to XML file, then doens't work.

THe 'File Upload Folder' option has the same as in the flash album set-up, when I use the browse button it leaves it blank though, neither worked.
Replied 29 Oct 2006 17:59:21
29 Oct 2006 17:59:21 Pamela Saxon replied:
I'm getting the same thing. I'm working in Dreamweaver 8, on a Mac. When it wouldn't work in Preview mode, I did what was suggested, by previewing in my browser. Nothing. Then, I tried uploading the file, to see if it would work once uploaded to the server, and nothing shows up. Nothing, absolutely NOTHING, (except the same error message you are getting:

[Internal DMX FlashGallery (v2.02) Error]
Unable to load gallery data from the XML file.
Error message: [Transaction.ErrorMessage(103)] Unable to retrieve the XML data from the server. Please check your configuration.

Also, when I try to make edits to the gallery, it won't save the edits. It falls to the default settings every time.

I have an earlier version of this program, which seemed to work just fine in Dreamweaver MX 2004. Now it won't work in either. I'm very frustrated, and must get this site finished! Anyone have any suggetions??
Replied 05 Feb 2008 05:35:16
05 Feb 2008 05:35:16 Ginger Andersen replied:
I am getting the same error message!

[Internal DMX FlashGallery (v2.02) Error]
Unable to load gallery data from the XML file.
Error message: [Transaction.ErrorMessage(103)] Unable to retrieve the XML data from the server. Please check your configuration.

Also, settings never change. Album is always set to default settings and will not allow edits.

I hope someone will help us resolve this issue. If this is not going to be a quick resolution to a photo album, it is useless to me.

Thanks for any help!
Replied 19 Feb 2008 05:25:39
19 Feb 2008 05:25:39 Annette Winter replied:
I have been contemplating purchasing the Dynamic Flash Gallery but am a bit hesitant due to the problems that the people above have had.

Is there a forum specifically for the Flash Gallery?

Are there answers to the above questions?
Replied 19 Feb 2008 17:34:12
19 Feb 2008 17:34:12 Ginger Andersen replied:
At this point, I CANNOT give my recommendation. I've had no response to these issues here...obviously, and no response from any emails that I have sent. The product is currently useless to me and a wast of money. It looks like others have had good experiences, but how can you know. It is ridiculous for them not to give support when the product is non-functioning!!!!!

I ended up purchasing XML Flash Slideshow v3 because of a project deadline. It was only $29 and key detail.....IT WORKED!!!!!

Good luck!

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