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Javascript dropdown population

Posted 25 Jan 2006 15:42:18
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25 Jan 2006 15:42:18 Jonathan Brown posted:
Hello, I have a javascript which I found on the internet which calculates the amount of calories etc... in food based on serving size. Unfortunatly, the script is huge, and takes ages to load as it loads each variable into a text field. I need help altering the script so that all the food variables will be consolidated into one drop down and so that when i change the food the values in the text fields will also be changed. Here are the script urls

Working Script is here

Not working modified version

The diarynw.html file has 7 or 8 options I would like to whittle that down to one option with an option to add another form line if nessesary. But I have no idea how to do that either. Im a javascript rookie that needs help. Please help me if you can! Thanks


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