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Vertical Scroll Area with Static Background

Posted 09 Jan 2006 09:16:36
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09 Jan 2006 09:16:36 Josh lindem posted:
Can someone help me out with what is a probably a very simple thing, that unfortunately I can't seem to find or do myself.

Let me explain my setup:
I have a webpage. I created the entire page in Photoshop, sliced it, and then (in Dreamweaver) after creating a table placed all the images into their respective spots.
There is of course, the menu items on the left side, the title up top, and a few merged cells which make up the "text area".

What I want is the area in the table to have the ability to have vertical text with a side scroll bar with a static background (only for this cell).
For instance I want to place a portfolio of images in this cell. I want to give each portfolio's image and description but because there are so many that's where this vertical scroll comes into effect and the user can manually scroll down the list. And I want the background to stay static of course.

Does anyone know how to do this? Is there a javascript somewhere that I can use in this cell that will do it?
Unfortunately all I've found is auto-scrolling, and this is NOT what I want.
Please help if you can.


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